The Aurora System is the only FDA cleared, truly dedicated and truly integrated MRI system designed specifically for 3-D bilateral breast imaging.
As you know, the American Cancer Society issued guidelines for breast MRI in March 2007 which stated that women at high risk for developing breast cancer (greater than 20% lifetime risk) should get an MRI and a mammogram every year.
The role of breast MRI in clinical practice continues to expand. As a result, we're starting to see more organizations move toward a dedicated breast MRI system, because they recognize it will have a dramatic impact on their
overall goals for breast disease management.
Aurora continues to work with the nation's premier breast centers, hospitals, and imaging centers to provide the ultimate in the detection, diagnosis, and biopsy capabilities for breast cancer. With Aurora's technological advances, we deliver superior imaging with the ultimate goal of earlier detection.
Some of the unique features of the Aurora Dedicated Breast MRI System are:
• Unprecedented image quality — offering better definition of subtle cancers such as DCIS and lobular carcinoma, and their distinction from benign proliferative changes
• Improved identification of lesions in dense breasts with the use of proprietary RODEO®, SPIRAL, and AuroraEDGE™ technology
• Homogeneous, clean images and reduced cardiac and respiratory motion artifact made possible with Aurora Optimized Shim tuning, specially designed ellipsoid magnet shim and unique transmit-receive coils
• Designed to accommodate all patients regardless of size or asymmetry
• Fast, accurate, easy to use biopsy fully integrated with the scanner
• Designed for accurate, efficient image interpretation, easy-to-use AuroraCAD™ is the new standard in breast MRI software
• Streamlined, intuitive workflow, designed to be run in a breast center without the need for intensive training
• Comfortable table, large bore, feet first entry
Once you have made the decision to become a member of the Aurora Family, additional support is provided to you through a variety of sources. Aurora customers have formed the Aurora MRI Society. In addition to an annual meeting, the society publishes The Journal of Breast MRI, and provides a PACS web-based teaching tool. Aurora provides all of its' customers with reimbursement support through an established hotline, as well as regular webinars to provide updated reimbursement and accreditation information, and to alert you to upcoming changes or trends. For more reimbursement information, please visit, Reimbursement.
Aurora also offers marketing support to all customers. As a manufacturer and provider, Aurora understands the daily challenges of running a breast program and shares this knowledge and experience with all customers.
Learn more by visiting the rest of this website which provides detailed information about Aurora and our product offerings.
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