(Summary description)April 8, 2020: Ms. Olivia Ho Cheng, founder and CEO of Aurora Healthcare US Corp (“the Company”) today announced that Dr. Abraham “Nick” Morse will join the company on May 1, 2020 as Medical Director
April 8, 2020: Ms. Olivia Ho Cheng, founder and CEO of Aurora Healthcare US Corp (“the Company”) today announced that Dr. Abraham “Nick” Morse will join the company on May 1, 2020 as Medical Director of the Company and Chief Medical Officer (“CMO”) of SunDoctor Aurora Medical Technology Ltd (“SunDoctor”), a fully own subsidiary of the Company in China.
Ms. Cheng said that “As our company is at the threshold of becoming a major global player in the battle to conquer breast cancer; one of the most dread threats to women’s health, we are excited and truly honored that a renowned healthcare professional such as Dr. Morse, who has deep understanding of women’s health and disease, has accepted our offer.”
Prior to joining Aurora, Dr. Morse served as Chief of Urogynecology at Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center from 2016-2018 – one of few non-Chinese to serve in a clinical and administrative leadership role in a public hospital in China. Dr. Morse received his MD from The Harvard/MIT program in Health Sciences and Technology, and completed his residency in OB/GYN at the Johns Hopkins Hospitals and a fellowship in Urogynecology at the Mayo Clinic. He also received his MBA from the Babson School of Management.
Dr. Morse was a co-founder and served as principal clinical consultant to the Clinical Risk Assurance practice at PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) from 2014-2020. CRA advises health systems on improving patient safety and reducing legal liability through data integration and analysis. Dr. Steven Harms, CMO of Aurora and the man behind the development of the Aurora System welcomes Dr. Morse joining the team and said that “his perspective combines expertise in health-care delivery operations,
quality/safety and clinical research making Dr. Morse a valuable teammate for our mission – he is committed to advancing healthcare throughout the world including US and China.”
When asked to comment, Dr. Morse responded “I am very grateful to Aurora for this extraordinary opportunity to join an innovative and mission driven women’s healthcare company. I look forward to bringing 20 years of experience as a women’s healthcare physician and my understanding of both the public and private healthcare delivery systems in China and the United States to advance Aurora’s mission.”
“The company has unrivaled breast MRI technology, the guidance of some of the most skilled breast radiologists in the United States, and a patient centered, cost-efficient model for providing comprehensive outpatient breast care that is already a proven success in both United States and China. I look forward to being a part of Aurora’s amazing team as we rewrite the rules for breast cancer screening and breast cancer care first in greater China and then… well, everywhere else!” noted Dr. Morse.
Finally, Ms. Cheng said that “since our company collaborates intimately with healthcare authorities, hospitals, individual healthcare professionals, and last but not least, patients and general public in the United States and China, it is therefore imperative that we can have an individual who has an in-depth understanding of both healthcare cultures allowing him to genuinely and comfortably work in both.
“At this critical moment for our company, Dr. Morse is a godsend for Aurora’s mission to advance women’s healthcare in China and the United States!” exclaimed Ms. Cheng.
Aurora Healthcare US Corp. (“Aurora”), a privately-held company based in Massachusetts, manufactures the only MRI system dedicated to breast imaging for screening and diagnostic indications. The system is a product of deep collaboration between world-renowned breast imaging experts, MRI physicists and electrical engineers. The Aurora Dedicated 1.5T Breast MRI System received FDA clearance in 2003, Taiwan TFDA permit in 2004, CE Mark in 2005 and China FDA approval in 2020. The integration of Aurora’s multiple innovations in hardware and software produce significantly higher-quality breast images compared to general-use MRI. Aurora rolled out mobile breast MRI service in the US in 2009 and will make mobile breast MRI available in China in 2020. Aurora holds more than 20+ patents including the Elliptical Magnet acquisition zone, RODEO excitation sequence, 3D-Spiral image acquisition, and AI-enabled screening and diagnostic capabilities.
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