Ms. Chen is the President of St. Mary’s Hospital - Taitung, Taiwan. She has long dedicated herself to courses including: advancing preventive medicine, health promotion, and social welfare. She has been also committed to the generalization of survivors support, greatly initiating the campaign of building up “Breast Cancer Survivors Support Groups” in Taiwan. In 2002, Ms. Chen facilitated the establishment of the “Association of Taiwanese Breast Cancer Patients”, which becomes a significant service platform for breast cancer patients and survivors in Taiwan. In 2008, the “Association of Taiwanese Diabetic Patients” was also founded thanks to the joint efforts from the society, which is a major alliance of diabetic patients across Taiwan and serves 495 diabetic patients support groups at present.
Ms. Chen started devoting herself to breast cancer prevention and treatment in Taiwan 30 years ago; she has given speeches and trainings over 1, 000 times throughout Taiwan. Her tireless efforts resulted in raising awareness of the prevention of breast cancer throughout the greater Chinese regions including Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Five years ago, Aurora Breast Center was established in St. Mary's Hospital - Taitung. Thanks to her continuous efforts, a cutting-edge breast MRI system was introduced to the center which is the first in the world in establishment of comprehensive breast center using breast MRI to perform first line screening for the general public and created extraordinary results in high detection rate and significant improvement of breast cancer patients survival rate.
After years of practice, Ms. Chen along with Aurora Healthcare US Corp, established a good model for a comprehensive breast center covering services of education, screening, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, patients and survivors supporting group, which was greatly recognized from the society and ready for wider application in China.
Prior to joining St. Mary’s Hospital -Taitung in Taiwan, Ms. Chen served as Executive Director of Catholic Sanipax Socio-Medical Service & Education Foundation (1985-2009), public health instructor at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (1980-1985). Ms. Chen graduated from Department of Nursing at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences.
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